Saturday, 6 August 2022

New! Season Previews - 9. The Neutral: 2022

Football fan - and groundhopper - Rob Bernard looks forward to the new Thai league season.

1. Who are your favourites to win the league?
Dull I know, but I can’t see beyond Buriram or BG Pathum

2. Who else do you think can challenge?
I hope Port, but realistically Bangkok United or Muang Thong. Id love to see Nakhon Ratchasima do well under Kevin Blackwell

3. Who is going down?
I am no expert but surely the odds are against Lampang. Khon Kaen and Police Tero make up my pin sticker 3

4. Which team would you most like to see do well this season ?
Port. I go to lots of games at all levels as a neutral, but Port is the club that cemented my love with Thai football. They’re who I cheer for most.

5. Who will be this season's surprise package?
I’ve a sneaking suspicion it will be Lamphun. I saw them beat Chiang Mai last season and was very impressed. Though I would have given them a greater chance if they were playing in Lamphun rather than rattling around up the motorway in the 700th Anniversary Stadium. 

6. What changes would you make to improve the Thai league?
Information could be much improved, although I personally don’t find it as bad as some complain about. If in doubt, go to the individual clubs Facebook page. I’ve never been totally stumped for an answer, but I am admittedly extremely low maintenance.

7. Which group of fans are you most looking forward to seeing?
Port at Muang Thong and vice versa would be good

8. What is your usual match day routine?
I don’t drive so I try to give myself time before kick-off when setting off by public transport, which can be an adventure. You never know what you’ll stumble across near a stadium as Thailand seems to be forever evolving, especially post Covid. I like a beer before going in and to soak up the ambience. I have a chat if anyone wants one.

9. Which are your three favourite TPL grounds?
PAT Stadium through natural bias, its closeness to the pitch, the surrounding district, the pop-up stalls on the street. The backdrop as the floodlights kick in. I simply love the place.

Thunderdome. I am not a hater, at least as I’ve gradually mellowed. Muang Thong is a great venue, again offering good viewing close to the action. I enjoyed the South Stand ultras under the flyover and having beers the twice I went last season. One of those games was with Port when I bought a ticket in the main stand towards the north end. The hospitality of the North Stand fans out the back at half time was second to none. I must confess I was in my red Scarborough shirt mind, rather than being in blue and orange! 

BG Stadium is another cracker despite being three sided. I get why the club fancy a move nearer Rangsit but it would be a shame if they left this iconic arena despite the awkwardness at times in getting back after a night match. I love the home and away ends. Being in the visiting section reminds me of the old kop at Bloomfield Road at Blackpool with its segregation and steep banking.

Notable mentions to the stadiums at Chiang Rai, Buriram and Ratchaburi. All excellent but the 3 I’ve chosen I’m more likely to be at more often.

10. Which new grounds are you most looking forward to visiting?
Any new ground is a thrill for me, from amateur football to internationals. Sukhothai would probably be my pick as I want to visit the ancient city at the same time, ideally with a game nearby to make it a double header weekend.

11. Which TPL grounds have you least enjoyed visiting?
Nothing particularly unpleasant anywhere, though Samut Songkhran was an accident waiting to happen going back a few years. While a novelty for a one off I would reckon the thrill could soon wear off.

12. It's easy for those of us who've been following Thai football for a while to become frustrated and/or disillusioned. Please can you give us a few positives to keep us interested
Just go with it and don’t get too wound up. Yeah, I get passionate at times in a stadium, but its not life or death. Enjoy the fantastic matchday experience. Have a laugh. Meet Thais and expats and have fun. 

It’s not expensive and at times the quality of matches reflects that. But I have also shelled out a lot to see plenty of dross watching England at Wembley and at league matches all around Europe. Try not to turn up with too high expectations.

I know this will massively polarise opinion, but I consider myself a guest in this amazing country. Its not my job to bellyache about owners or tell Thais how to do things. It won’t change much even if I did. Have a read of fans forums from back home. It’s a lot worse there and ridiculously more expensive. I seemed to spend twenty years back in the day writing in fanzines about corrupt lying owners. Its not perfect here, but what and where is? 

It will never be the same as watching football in our homelands so don’t try to compare like for like. And overall, I’m delighted with that. I’ve lost interest a lot in pro football back in England when previously I was extremely passionate. I’ve become sick of it all being about money. Head to a game here with an open mind, like when I took friends from Australia to the last couple of Port games last season. One at home and one away and they loved it.

Incidentally, the service all clubs offered me last season when buying online was excellent.

13. As a neutral, do you prefer sitting with home fans or away fans when you visit a ground?
Not too worried really. I’ve been in away fans with Chonburi, Tero, and obviously Port. I do not like the attitude of charging away fans more. That’s my only real gripe.

14. How does going to matches in the TPL compare to other countries in which you've watched football?
The matchday experience here is different to elsewhere, though I noticed copying of the ultras from Europe becoming more prevalent. I love sitting outside with beers in warm weather and mingling. And not being ripped off for the privilege, with beers outside a ground here being cheaper than in nearby bars. Contrast that with other countries. The atmosphere isn’t as menacing here which can be good and bad. I do love both teams going to the opposing fans at full time. 

15. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I think its important to remember that in relative terms professional football is still in its infancy here. Be patient and enjoy the ride. I have only been here permanently, (and no I won’t ever never live anywhere else all being well) since last December. I am taken aback by the amount of amateur and youth football being played and the number of clubs. The game is growing.

I would recommend any football fan tries to get to a local amateur game. The Thonburi and Bangkok Premier Leagues both give fixtures on their Facebook page. Its free admission, you see some good football and the facilities are better than you’d expect. 95% have clean loos, some cover and somewhere to grab a snack and beer or water. Failing that try out T2 and T3. 

Thanks for publishing my musings. I love both the football and my life here in Thailand. Please say hello if you see this funny shaped farang at a match. I do drink and laugh a lot.

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